About Us

Julia Hooper's (pictured above with husband) unique style is the result of a lifetime of musical influence.Growing up in a talented musical family meant that she was always surrounded by different forms of music. Her grandfather was a great quartet singer in the city of Milwaukee, and was an original member of the well known Jackson Southerners out of Jackson, Mississippi. Julia’s parents exposed her to a wealth of music as a child, all of which influenced her development.

Her first foray into singing herself came when he started to sing in the church choir at The Way of The Cross Baptist Church at just age 3. Julia also explored music by learning to play the clarinet in 3rd grade at Townsend Street School and continued until the 11th grade at Washington High School. While in high school she sang with the school gospel choir led by Minister Gerald Saffold. She joined a prominent community choir, The Voices of Faith Gospel Choir founded by Minister Clifford Anderson and preformed in many school musicals while still at Washington.

After realizing that making music which inspires others was her main goal, Julia began to showcase her talent in various venues across Milwaukee and throughout the United States. She endeavors to sing in numerous settings in effort to help spread the world of God to as many people as possible. She was quickly noted for the unique style that
she brought to the traditional Gospel scene, and is known throughout the Midwest for her powerful soprano voice. Julia has sang with many groups throughout the gospel and secular scene in Milwaukee. She has made guest appearances with various choirs and sang background vocals for the late Willie “Duchice” Rodgers at Summer Fest, African
World Festival and Garfield Day in the city of Milwaukee. She also has recorded background vocals for Will “Duchie” Rodgers and Chris “Godxilla” Taylor.

Julia has performed at various music concerts and festivals including:
Gospel Fest
Summer Fest
Afro Fest
Garfield Days
Baptist Convention Mid-West Choir
NAACP Convention Choir

Finally, after honing her unique sound over recent years, she has released her debut album, ‘Shake It Off’, which trumpets the triumphs over the challenges that she has faced in her life. These and experiences have allowed her to develop a close
relationship with God, and have in turn profoundly aided her musical development.